-An Artist’s Perspective
The process of evolution, like a work of art, is a constant renaissance of energy, of intellectual, physical and creative vigor. Humans have been the creators of history, societies and the authors of the children of all time. Today, We are then the engineers and the architects of the platform from which our children, the next generation, will eventually emancipate into their own individual metamorphosis. That which we are ,our ideology, thought process and behavioral patterns represent the caliber of our ideals, and will influence their values, their behavior and will encourage refinement in their humanity. Our goal is to provide them with the necessary information for a better quality of life.
As difficult as it seems at times, we must make a conscious decision to study and to understand the dichotomy in human beings. The realization of the potential for both dark and light is an important recognition and one that should lead us in making a firm commitment to select a positive destination point.  This should bring us to a higher level of being, a new plane of intellectual findings, the practice of compassion and a common goal of self respect. The choice is very clear, one leads to the creation of humans of quality while the other one leads to the destruction of a divine creation, humanity. Keeping this in mind, our young people’s lives must be nurture and protected. Their individual natures must be understood, guided and embraced. Their abilities stimulated, their love enhanced and their virtues inspired.
To achieve these goals, it is imperative that we, the adults in charge and in command of managing the world’s affairs, are aware of the impact and influence that our decisions have in the lives of the next generation. All which we present to them through film, television, writing, painting, music and choice of faith will make a difference in shaping the future of those whom shall become the leaders of their generation.
The institutions such as the state, the church, the family and the arts all have a crucial responsibility in our educational system. I personally call on those in the arts , the gifted humans of all genders, to create, to discover to interpret and to advance our human specie by being honest in their creative process and in their quest for truth and understanding. As a result, we can establish through our individual art forms new frontiers of hope and change. We can create a society of higher goals; one where sensationalism is also applied to all which is bright and good in humanity rather than concentrating only on all our mistakes of the past and present times and the downfall of our society. Focusing only on human error is an error in itself. It glorifies those whose lives are in great need of light and redemption and it promotes and perpetuates wrongdoing. Clearly, when we permit ourselves to experience the glory of nature and allow ourselves to recognize the best in others, we are elevating our human nature and inspiring the best in us.
It is a fact that the children are watching, reading and listening. Let’s provide them with the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to embrace the concept of human rights and equality for all. Let’s offer them a society where both genders are respected for their own potential and for their individual contributions to humankind.  Let’s stimulate them to be idealistic, to dream and to desire a further understanding of themselves and to recognize their participation in a future global culture and their ultimate universal position. Through education, we can assist them in developing their abilities and with these skills encourage them to make of their ideals new realities for themselves and in this manner, collectively contribute to the human race. Lets reaffirm their potential, fairness and compassion, and lets stimulate their hope and faith in the universe and its perpetual evolution. We are, after all, one voice.
We can inform children of our cultural traditions, however it is fundamental to find a respectful perspective for traditions which have been derived from past cycles of our human and cultural development. Placing these traditions in a historical perspective and offering them the results of such traditions may inspire and empower in them the quest to create and to advance further. It is only then that change becomes a reality.
As Hispanics we posses the innate desire to grow as human beings. Studying and embracing our heritage gives us the strength to go beyond and to understand the peoples of other cultures as members of the global family. Excessive pride should not be a part of growth, for it impairs judgment which does not allow to see the need for self improvement and the possibilities of growth. To be a great representative of any cultural group in our society, we must first become great human beings. Let’s remember that human potential knows no gender, no race and no age. We must be creative with our individual lives for it is in creativity that we shall find the freedom of life!
Our search for truth is our legacy which will benefit the children of the next generation.
Orlando Agudelo-Botero
April 1999